Anti-Racist Forum collects personal data for different purposes: the contact information of a member (all different membership types) in order to maintain membership on the Membership Register; the registration information of non-members for Anti-Racist Forum’s events, either on paper or electronically for purposes of monitoring and evaluation; job applications in their specific mailbox at the possible future vacancies; employee information on Procountor (formerly on service in order for payroll; employee information on a password protected google drive to manage employment matters; and necessary information and contact details for queries and clarifications with the permission of the participant.

Purposes of the use of the data in the register and the categories of data

The Member Register is maintained for purposes of digital communication to members, and statistics. The contact details of member are stored in a password protected Google Drive and, where applicable, payment details are stored on Procountor -service, which is accessible only to ARF’s chair person, the treasurer and authorised accountants. The following personal data are collected in the Member Register: name of contact person, e-mail address, and customer relationship information such as payment details. The data is collected from each member directly into the the dedicated Google Form, or entered by the data processor, and through the use of cookies or other similar technologies.

For each event for which attendance data is collected, the attendance lists are either kept in the paper version in a locked room, or scanned and the scanned versions are stored in ARF’s passoword protected Drive, accessible only to the people responsible for each activity, and the supervising board member. Participant information consists of name, email address, occasionally demographic details such as age group and gender.
Attendance lists for various events and activities are kept for reporting purposes for the period required for each funding decision.

Other people who have other relevant connection with our activities and from whom we receive contact information are stored in the Google mailboxes of the respective employees, board members and interns, in the Google Drive cloud service. This personal data may includes name, email address, telephone number, place of residence and other information as necessary on a case-by-case basis.

Job applications are stored in a dedicated, password-protected email box, accessible only to members of the ARF Hiring Comittee. Applications are held during the recruitment process and after its completion, with consent of the applicant for possible future recruitment for a duration of max. 6 months.

ARF staff’s personal data: address, employment contracts salary information, health information and vacation information are on file in a password-protected Google Drive folder, Aava portal as well as Procountor the latter two require are double authenticated outsourced services to which only selected board members and authorised service providers have access.

We will retain your data only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes set out above, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Everyone has the right to request ARF to delete all data from the register by informing the Data Protection Officer in writing. However, we may be obliged to retain some of your personal data in order to comply with accounting or other mandatory legislation.

Yhdessä vihaa vastaa -platform data protection

Specific information on the platform’s privacy policy can be found here:

Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer is the Treasurer Jana Turk,
Anti-Racist Forum 2023